Only a day to go now till the start of the weekend and we’re all getting nervous. Thankfully the weather's not looking too bad, we had discussed the possibility of moving the Bunny Stroll to Easter Monday if it was rained off but luckily that’s one less thing to worry about.
Both routes are now finalised – Dan route-checked his
Long Good Friday Night Skate last Tuesday and it’s a cracker. It includes The Gherkin, where I ran a skate to last year. Such a beautiful building, although I would still like to know how they clean their windows. Anyway, you can see the whole route on the LFNS site:
http://www.lfns.co.uk/route.php/20070406 I route-checked most of the
Bunny Stroll on Monday night, I was on my own so I did part of it by car as I didn’t want to skate without my knee brace. I’m getting lazy I think. The route brings together old favourites, the view from Waterloo Bridge, parts of Soho including 7 dials, at least one firestation (hello boys!), Parliament Square and a stroll up The Mall towards Buckingham Palace. We’re having half time at Leicester Square, and a short break under The London Eye. PeterC has done me a special logo to go on the back of my marshals vest, which I’m really looking forward to wearing on Sunday.
The best dressed adult and child skaters will be presented with vouchers from Club Blue Room, who are co-sponsoring our event with Prolineskates.com. Saffy and I are judging the entries, along with a couple of the instructors who are doing the free lessons on Saturday afternoon. Having had a peek at some of the costumes already, I think there are going to be some tough deliberations.
The full line-up for Sunday is as follows:-
^ Mad rush at The Vic from 11:30 to 13:45 as most skaters will have left their costume buying till the last minute
^^ 12:00 Jason from Kangoo Jumps will be holding demonstrations and taster sessions on Sunday and Monday, I’ll try to get there early so we can have a go.
^ 12:30 Meet Bren, Dan and Sol at the bike lockup to carry out any last minute decoration of FireBrox, our music bike.
^^ Face painting at the Stroll start point from 13:00 to 13:45 (we’re still trying to recruit volunteers for this activity)
^ 13:00 Get to the start point to give out any outstanding costumes, check the FireBrox has left the bike store and check our radios, costumes and supplies of refreshments are all intact. Collect the music mix from Marty.
^^ 13:40: discussion with the scout and rear marshal, carry out the marshals briefing, chat to the photographers about the route and meeting points, and brief the skaters who’ll be coming on the Stroll and take a few deep breaths before we get the show on the road.
^ 14:00/14:15 Bunny Stroll gets underway
^^ Return to Hyde Park around 16:00 to watch Lisa and her band of quad dancers doing dance demonstrations. Stick around for this, these people are incredibly talented
^ Judge and hand out the prizes for the best dressed skater competition.
^^ We then head to The Victoria, to make last minute preparations for the Party and raffle, which is at 18:30.
Phew, all that looks exciting, don’t forget to check out the Bunny Stroll route at
http://www.lfns.co.uk/route.php/20070408 and to check both this and the LGFNS link above for photos we’ve taken of the events, as we usually upload them within a day or so.